My Approach

Listening to other’s problems and empathizing with them are some prominent characteristics of me. I have a deep interest in the humanistic approach so I can apply them in practice to maximize the benefit of clients who seek counseling.

I believe that people are intrinsically good but it is the environment that makes a person depraved. My belief goes hand in hand with Carl Rogers.  According to Rogers, all human beings have the capacity to self-actualise into their endeavors but the environment can sometimes act in opposition (Patterson & Joseph, 2007). Rogers suggested that people have an inherent tendency to grow positively (Roger, 1978). This theory emphasised on giving explanation of people’s unhappiness. An explanation is that people label ideas or attach values that do not satisfy their psychological well-being (Rogers, 1976). People are part of a population that is often misunderstood and therefore labeled by society. I decided to open a counselling practice in order to facilitate an environment for clients to be authentic. I have experienced in the UK working with clients who have addiction, traumas, abuse and relationship problems. My approach to therapy is non-directive but also integrative. I lay my own values aside, by creating an environment that is perfect for the client to deliberate internal conflicts without external condition of worth.